Day 9- no more day 8



Boot Strap Beverages co. @bootstrapcoldbrew





Days in Bali are a whirlwind of highs and lows! (lows being crashing at 9pm because you can’t seem to stop waking up at 6pm) 

We spend our days by the sea side, sipping on young coconuts, popping into cafes and coffee shops, drinking everything from Kombucha to lattes, and shopping for endless amounts of time in Seminyak. Most of the shopping here is repetitive, however you can find some amazing things if you only look. 

Personally I prefer the boutiques (in A/C and out of the sticky humidity) than the market places that are so cluttered with EVERYTHING you could think of. (Even knock off Kylie Lipstick and Fidget spinners).

It is hard to find authentic Balinese items in the town squares of Seminyak and Canggu, however I want to attempt the artisan markets of Ubud and hunt down some handmade art*ifacts. 



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